May 21, 2021
Bishop McGovern is asking area Catholics and people of good will to contact their state lawmakers as soon as possible. See his new letter below about the last-minute effort in the State Assembly to repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion law. Read more about the proposed law here:
Dear Friends,
Illinois legislators have only a few days left to act on legislation that was introduced in the General Assembly this session. Unfortunately, several lawmakers are trying to repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion Act. Our current, common-sense law requires that a parent or guardian of a minor girl be notified if the child is scheduled for an abortion procedure. Our parents have a right to know if irreversible surgery is being performed on their child. The negative ramifications of repealing the Parental Notice law would be significant for minor girls, their parents and family life. I have already spoken with several legislators in the Belleville Diocese about why they should oppose this proposed repeal. But they also need to hear from parents and guardians, those whom this bill will affect the most.
Call your state senator at 1-866-974-8813 – Vote NO on SB 2190
Call your state representative at 1-866-587-3023 -Vote NO on HB 1797
Go to the website: for additional information or to find the names of your state representative or senator.
Join me in praying that the rights of parents and guardians in Illinois will be upheld.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop Michael McGovern