Masses for Second Week of Easter
to be said Privatively
Tuesday - Thursday ~ All Parish Family
Mass for Third Sunday of Easter
to be said Privatively
Sunday ~ All Parish Family

We the parishioners of St. John the Baptist, brothers and sisters in Christ, accept as our mission:
† to know our faith and share it with others,
† to continue to grow spiritually with respect for the sacraments,
† to celebrate the liturgy and the Holy Eucharist as the center of our Christian life,
† to live by truth and love,
† to serve those in need, to teach by example, and thereby strengthen and inspire our Parish family in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church.
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Visit Parish Website For
Bulletins: New & Old
Photo Gallery
Monthly Ministry List
Sunday Collection

Envelopes $4,275
Youth $1
Church Streaming Equipment $200
Needy In Parish $50
Easter $1,390
CSMA $200
CRS $50
Holy Land $165
Black & Indian Mission $50
Rice Bowls $760.33
Home Mission Appeal $25
Building $50
CYM $100
Scholarship $95
Total $7,411.33
Thank you for being generous,
during this difficult time!
Your financial support remains an important part of our Parish life and helps us keep going. Please continue giving your time, talent, and treasure at this difficult time. Please mail, drop-off your offertory in the mailbox by Parish office front door. In the midst of Coronavirus, our Parish still needs to operate.
From The April Liturgical Calendar
24 - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen - Priest and Martyr
25 - St. Mark the Evangelist - Feast

Please Pray For The Sick And Homebound
Edith Haas, Larry Hunt, Marie Hopkins, Adam Reyling, Anna Sturman, Bill Lueke, James Frey, Bob Wilson, Vickie Rapp Grant, Debbie Wuebbels, Dean Rubenacker, Kent Karcher, & Larry Nice
Reminder: Due to federal privacy laws, we are not allowed to list people or visit who are sick or in the nursing home without written authorization from that individual or from their immediate family who has authorization. Form can be requested from the office.
CRS Rice Bowl
Thanks to all who reflected on the challenges of global poverty through CRS Rice Bowl. Especially during this global pandemic, your contributions will help people struggling globally AND locally.

25% of your gift stays here within Hamilton County and it will be divided between Hungry Hearts Sack Lunch Program and the Food Pantry at Turning Point Church in McLeansboro.
Your CRS Rice Bowl gift will be collected the following way this year: Drop your bowl in tote or place check in mailbox by the office door.
Thank you for your contribution. Your gift is more important than ever at this time!
Chapter & Verse
During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Leave my people at once, you and Israelites with you! Go and worship the Lord as you said. Take your flocks, too and your herds, as you demanded, and be gone; and you will be doing me a favor.”
Exodus 12:31-32
And he led them forth laden with silver and gold, with not a weakling among their tribes.
Psalm 105:37
A Little Humor To Put A Smile On Your Face!
His parent looked puzzled. "Sister gave you a half day off? Did you tell her about the twins being born yesterday?" Said thrifty Anthony, "No I just told her I had a baby sister. I'm saving the other one for next week."

Deacon Notes
This week's notes are taken from the Gospel of John, three things stand out in this Gospel reading. One,...On the evening of the first day of the week.... This was the evening of Easter Sunday, He has Risen. Amen. Two, Jesus said, "As The Father has sent Me, so I send you." And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them and sins you retain are retained." Jesus' ministry of mercy and reconciliation continue through the apostles. Three, Doubting Thomas, Thomas gets a bad rap here, but he said, "My Lord and My God!" This is the climactic confession of faith in John's Gospel. Happy Second Sunday of Easter! You all are in my prayers!
Good day and God Bless, Deacon Archie. Happy Easter to All.
From The Pastor
This weekend I would like to share with you the reflection of Joyce Rupp.
"Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace - in peace because they trust in you."
Isaiah 26:3
"Peace is more than the absence of conflict. It is an attitude about life. The prophet Isaiah writes that those who trust God are the ones who have peace. We can't keep all the hustle and bustle out of our lives. We can't avoid some daily conflicts and difficulties but we can give ourselves in trust to God. How? Each time we feel distress, act unlovingly, succumb to anxious worrying or get caught in a whirlwind of activity, we can refocus our inner self. We can turn our hearts toward peace by asking ourselves some questions: What will all this mean after I die? What is the value here? What do I need to let go of and entrust to God? Peace of mind and heart is simple. Isaiah knew that. It means trusting that God is with us and that this gift is all we really need for our happiness. What most keeps me from trusting God and entrusting my life to God?"
Fr. Ptak