Masses for Fifth Week of Easter to be said Privately
Tuesday - Thursday ~ All Parish Family
Mass for Sixth Sunday of Easter to be said Privately
Sunday ~ All Parish Family

We the parishioners of St. John the Baptist, brothers and sisters in Christ, accept as our mission:
† to know our faith and share it with others,
† to continue to grow spiritually with respect for the sacraments,
† to celebrate the liturgy and the Holy Eucharist as the center of our Christian life,
† to live by truth and love,
† to serve those in need, to teach by example, and thereby strengthen and inspire our Parish
family in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church.
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Visit Parish Website For
Bulletins: New & Old
Photo Gallery
Monthly Ministry List
Sunday Collection

Envelopes (9) $535
Youth (1) $ 1
Needy in Parish (2) $110
Guatemala Mission (3) $ 50
Home Missions Appeal (1) $ 20
Cemetery (2) $ 30
Total $746
Your financial support remains an important part of our Parish life and helps us keep going. Please continue giving your time, talent, and treasure at this difficult time. Please mail, drop-off your offertory in the mailbox by Parish office front door. In the midst of COVID-19, our Parish still needs to operate. Thank you for being generous, during this difficult time!

From the May Liturgical Calendar
13 - Our Lady of Fatima
15 - Saint Isidore
Chapel Expenses
(Excludes McLeansboro Rectory Expenses and Cemeteries)
April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Ordinary Expenses St. John Nepomucene Chapel
Utilities $ 5,905
Mowing $ 3,330
Ordinary Repairs + Maintenance $ 2,615
Insurance $ 5,169
Total Ordinary Expenses $17,019
Ordinary Expenses St. Clement of Rome Chapel
Utilities $ 6,218
Mowing $ 2,875
Ordinary Repairs + Maintenance $ 2,791
Insurance $ 5,038
Total Ordinary Expenses $16,922
Extraordinary Expense St. Clement of Rome Chapel
Roof Repairs $14,350
Total Ordinary & Extraordinary Expenses $31,272
Total Expenses for both Chapels $48,291
Please Pray For The Sick And Homebound
Edith Haas, Larry Hunt, Marie Hopkins, Adam Reyling, Bill Lueke, James Frey, Bob Wilson, Vickie Rapp Grant, Debbie Wuebbels, Dean Rubenacker, Kent Karcher, & Larry Nice
Reminder: Due to federal privacy laws, we are not allowed to list people or visit who are sick or in the nursing home without written authorization from that individual or from their immediate family who has authorization. Form can be requested from the office.
Chapter & Verse
When it was reported to the king of Egypt that the people had fled, Pharaoh and his servants changed their mind about them, “What have we done!” they exclaimed. Why, we have released Israel from our service!” So Pharaoh made his chariots ready and mustered his soldiers.
Exodus 14:5-6
Had not the Lord been with us, let Israel say, had not the Lord been with us--- When men rose up against us, then would they have swallowed us alive.
Psalm 124:1-2

Fr. Ptak delivers $800 gift card from Food Park to Hamilton Memorial Rehabilitation & Health Care Center to used as an appreciation gift to their employees. Our Parish currently has several parishioners who are living there.

McLeansboro Rehabilitation & Health Care Center was and is a home for several of our parishioners. Ptak presented them with a $500 gift card from Food Park to show appreciation to their employees.
Let us to pray for our Bishop-Elect Rev. Michael McGovern in this time leading up to his ordination as our new Bishop.
O Lord, who for the feeding of your flock have set your servant Michael over it as a successor to the Apostles, grant him, we pray, a spirit of counsel and fortitude, a spirit of knowledge and piety, so that, by faithfully governing the people entrusted to him, he may build up in the world the sacrament of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
There will be printed bulletin in plastic tote by office door for those who would like receive paper copy.
The Messenger - Memorial Day Edition
If anyone has a “heart-warming” story to tell about someone they knew or a relative who died during a war, please let us know. We also print the names of service members who were Killed in Action (WWII onward) in The Messenger. We have a list from years past, but if we have missed anyone, please send that person’s name, rank if it is known, and the war in which they served and died. In addition, we would like to include a list of service people who are presently serving in harm’s way, asking for prayers for their safe return home.
Please submit the information to The Messenger via email by May 6.

Next week the CCC collection will be taken.This campaign connects people with Christ here and around the world in developing countries, through
the internet, television, radio and print media.50% of fund collected remains in our Belleville Diocese to fund local communication efforts.Learn more, visit
Deacon Notes
Today's notes focuses on Acts, The Book of Acts traces the first thirty years of Christian history, from the Ascension of Jesus in Jerusalem to the imprisonment of Paul in Rome. Historical though it is, the Book of Acts is by no means an exhaustive account of Christian beginnings. Luke was forced, as all Historians are, to be selective. So, for instance, despite the accepted title of the work, "The Acts of the Apostles', only two apostles spend significant time in the spot light, Peter and Paul. But in today's readings, Chapter 6, we see the "Seven Chosen to Serve", the first Deacons in the Church. The Twelve continued to address the Spiritual needs of the community by praying and preaching, while the Seven focused on meeting its material needs by acts of service. Hope to serve you all soon, in person!
Good day and God Bless, Deacon Archie
