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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin - January 24, 2021


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Masses for Third Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday, January 27 at 8:00 a.m.

†Debbie Wuebbels, †Sr. Agnes Theresa Aydt

Thursday, January 28 at 8:00 a.m.

†Donald Halley

Friday, January 29 at 8:00 a.m.

†Eileen Hopfinger, ††Norma & Floyd Collins, †Richard Anselment

Masses for Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, January 30 at 5:00 p.m.

All Parish Family

Sunday, January 31 at 8:30 a.m.

Special Intention for Healing & God's Blessings for Allie Brown

We are needing Mass Intentions

We the parishioners of St. John the Baptist,

brothers and sisters in Christ, accept as our mission:

to know our faith and share it with others,

to continue to grow spiritually with respect for the sacraments,

to celebrate the liturgy and the Holy Eucharist as the center of our Christian life,

to live by truth and love,

to serve those in need, to teach by example, and thereby strengthen and inspire our Parish family in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church

Office Hours

Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Closed for Lunch Noon - 12:30 p.m.

Visit Parish Website For

Bulletins: New & Old


Photo Gallery

Monthly Ministry List

Collection January 16-17

Envelopes (35) $1,235

Loose $ 110

Youth (3) $ 3

Solemnity of Mary (1) $ 10

Guatemala Mission (15) $ 190

One Strong (1) $ 5

Cemetery (1) $ 100

Honoring Our Past (1) $ 25

Total $1,678

Your financial support remains an important part of our Parish life and helps us keep going. Please continue giving your time, talent, and treasure at this difficult time. Please mail, drop-off your offertory in the mailbox by Parish office front door. In the midst of COVID-19, our Parish still needs to operate. Thank you for being generous, during this difficult time!


They were mailed January 20.


February 2 at 5:00 p.m. Contact office to reserve your time.


Edith Haas, Larry Hunt, Marie Hopkins, Bill Lueke, James Frey, Bob Wilson, Kent Karcher, Larry Nice, Paul & Helen Wellen, Kenneth Karcher, and Mary Karcher.

Reminder: Due to federal privacy laws, we are not allowed to list people or visit who are sick or in the nursing home without written authorization from that individual or from their immediate family who has authorization. Form can be requested from the office.


PSR will resume this weekend.


Please contact office for funerals and baptisms. For weddings contact office six months before.


KC #8745 @ Dahlgren:

Drive-Thru Pulled Pork Hamilton County Relay for Life Fundraiser January 23 Starting at 5:00 p.m. Cost by Cash Donation

KC #7118:

Drive-Thru Fish Dinner January 30 5-7 pm - $10 per plate @ Enfield.

Masks and social distancing required.


Mark your calendar for our Drive-Thru Breakfast Fundraisers

February 21 ~ March 14 ~ April 11


· Chicken & Dumpling Drive-Thru Fundraiser Saturday, February 13. Cost by donation and serving begins after Mass.

· Cookbook Fundraiser. Currently we are collecting recipes from anyone in our parish. These can include any type of recipe new or old as well as family recipes that have been passed down from generations. Please be sure to include your name on the recipe as well as "in memory of" for deceased recipe authors if applicable. Several ways to submit your recipe(s): place in envelope in the back of church or tote outside the office, email to or can be uploaded directly to Login using username: sjbrecipes21 and password: pepper241. All recipes will be proofread by committee members before final submission. Please contact Bethany Wellen or Andrea Short with any questions or if you would like to be on the cookbook committee.

CSMA GOAL $11,858

Our Parish has pledged $4,161.Please help us meet our goal!


  • Weekly bulletins

  • Living Faith Books (January - March 2021)

  • Funeral Home 2021 Calendars



Cards located as you exit church. There are lots of ways to help: Remember his birthday, become a prayer warrior, send a care package, remember him at Christmas, or send notes of encouragement to name a few.

Envelopes located in your envelope packet or as you exit church.

In August 1219, St. Francis of Assisi traveled to Egypt to meet with a Muslim leader, Sultan Malik al-Kamil. We don't know what the two talked about. But since that time, St. Francis’ name has been connected to two strong desires — peace and dialogue among people and religious believers. During his papacy Pope Benedict XVI invoked the spirit of St. Francis by inviting representatives of the world’s religions and Christian denominations to Assisi for a “day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for peace and justice in the world.” What divides men and women, and nations and peoples, often has to do with religion. On the one hand, mainly in the nations of the West, we see a blooming secularism that seeks to eliminate religion from public and private space. In other places like Asia, the Middle East or regions of Africa, we see those who would use violence and politics to impose their religion on others. So how should we work together as believers to build understanding and mutual respect? God’s truth is one. So we do not want to fall into the trap of relativism, which says there are many “truths” and that all beliefs are equally true. And we do not want to be pulled to idea of syncretism, trying to mix and match the good ideas we find in the world’s religions, as if all religions are basically the same as ours. We need to respect others’ beliefs so much that we take our differences seriously. It does not show respect to pretend that we have no differences or that these differences do not matter. Real dialogue starts with proclamation. We need to proclaim to others our faith in Jesus Christ. And we have to listen attentively as others proclaim their beliefs to us. Only on this basis do we have a real dialogue, in which both sides are freely following their conscience. As Christians, we believe that the revelation of Jesus Christ in human history is unique. This should never mean that we cherish arrogance or disregard for what others believe. In fact, just the opposite. Our faith that God is our Father means that all men and women are our brothers and sisters, no matter what their religious beliefs. We have so much to share with those who do not share our faith in Jesus Christ! Our journey of faith is a journey of peace which we should share with others. This is the spirit of St. Francis. It is the spirit our world needs right now. St. Francis used to greet people with a little prayer: “May the Lord grant you peace.” This week, let us make that the prayer we pray for one another. Fr. Slawomir


It is important to call or email office to reserve a day to attend mass, before 2:00 p.m. Friday. 618-648-2490 OR If you leave a message, please leave your name, number, and day you want to attend.



St. John The Baptist

Administrative Pastor
Fr. Slawomir Ptak 648-2490
RCIA Director
Deacon Archie Bowers 231-1601
Parish Secretary
Rachel Hopfinger 648-2490
Andrea Short: 214-1275


Robbilyn Coy: 267-1398

Mike Karcher & Shelley Allen

Parish Office
7598 Piopolis Road, McLeansboro, IL 62859-4706

Phone: 618-648-2490

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