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Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin - September 6, 2020


Masses for Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time

Tuesday, September 8 at 6:00 p.m. †George Haas

Wednesday, September 9 at 8:00 a.m. ††Lee & Charlene Rubenacker

Thursday, September 10 at 8:00 a.m. private intention

Masses for Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, September 12 at 5:00 p.m. ††Herman & Lucille Hutcheson

Sunday, September 13 at 8:30 a.m. †Edward Rybak, †Henry Rybak

We are needing and still accepting Mass Intentions

We the parishioners of St. John the Baptist, brothers and sisters in Christ, accept as our mission:

to know our faith and share it with others,

to continue to grow spiritually with respect for the sacraments,

to celebrate the liturgy and the Holy Eucharist as the center of our Christian life,

to live by truth and love,

to serve those in need, to teach by example, and thereby strengthen and inspire our Parish family in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church.

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday thru Friday

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Visit Parish Website For

Bulletins: New & Old


Photo Gallery

Monthly Ministry List

Sunday Collection

Envelopes (33) $1,145

Needy in Parish (1) $ 10

Cemetery (12) $ 345

Total $1,500

Your financial support remains an important part of our Parish life and helps us keep going. Please continue giving your time, talent, and treasure at this difficult time. Please mail, drop-off your offertory in the mailbox by Parish office front door. In the midst of COVID-19, our Parish still needs to operate. Thank you for being generous, during this difficult time!

Pray For The Sick And Homebound

Edith Haas, Larry Hunt, Marie Hopkins, Bill Lueke, James Frey, Bob Wilson, Vickie Rapp Grant, Kent Karcher, Larry Nice, Paul & Helen Wellen, & Kenneth Karcher

Reminder: Due to federal privacy laws, we are not allowed to list people or visit who are sick or in the nursing home without written authorization from that individual or from their immediate family who has authorization. Form can be requested from the office.


I have emailed a registration form to every family I have an address for. If you did not receive and email from, please send me a message with a good email address so I can get this information to you immediately. Check your junk/spam folder or you can view forms below. Thank you! Megan Woodrow, CRE


September 7 at 7:00 p.m. Mask & Social Distancing Required. No Refreshments


Sunday, September 13 after Mass. Masks & Social Distancing Required


If anyone would be interested in donating rock or making monetary donation to the project, please contact the office or drop your donation in the collection basket.

Pledged to date: $25,250 of $74,000 project.


Please contact office for funerals and baptisms. For weddings contact office six months before.


There are printed bulletin and Living Faith Books (July - September) are in plastic tote by office door for those who would like receive paper copy.


The Vocations Office has just begun a new initiative of St. Andrew Dinners to promote priestly vocations. The first dinner will be held in September at Gibault High School. This opportunity is for high school and college aged-men and their parents to meet with Bishop McGovern, Father Nick Junker, and others for a meal and discussion. To learn more go to:


Weekend of September 12-13

Due to the pandemic caused by the Corona virus, it was not possible to take up the Good Friday Collection. Pope Francis has accepted the request to move this gesture of sharing to the weekend of September 12-13. If you have not made a donation, please considering doing so. Place your collection in a envelope marked Holy Land next weekend.

Thank you and God bless.


It is important to call or email office to reserve a day to attend mass.

618-648-2490 OR

If you leave a message, please leave your name, number, and day you want to attend.


August 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

As I begin my second month as the new Bishop of Belleville, I wanted to write to you and thank you for the warm welcome I have received. Since being ordained bishop on July 22, I have visited with people at many parishes, social service agencies and organizations in our diocese. I am most grateful for your kindness as you welcomed me here as a shepherd for our Catholic community.

Even with all the challenges presented by the coronavirus, it is inspiriting to see how our clergy, religious and lay faithful continue living our Catholic faith. I am especially grateful for your prayers and support for our parishes, schools, and religious education programs and charitable services. As a pastor for many years, I learned that good things don't just happen, it takes people to make them happen. Thank you for making so much good happen here in southern Illinois.

Communication will be very important in our life together. In addition to future letters in your parish bulletins and a regular article I will write in our diocesan paper The Messenger, I plan to soon be using social media as a way of connecting our many brothers and sisters in the 28 counties that are part of our diocese. You are also always welcome to contact me; my email address is: My mailing address is: Diocese of Belleville, 222 South Third Street, Belleville, IL 62220. You are always welcome to contact me with your prayer intentions, ideas, thoughts, and concerns.

Please keep me in your daily prayers and know that I keep you in mine. May the Lord bless each of us with a deep, abiding friendship with Him and through Him, a communion of friendship, peace and love among us.

In our Lord,

Most Reverend Michael McGovern

Bishop of Belleville



St. John The Baptist

Administrative Pastor
Fr. Slawomir Ptak 648-2490
RCIA Director
Deacon Archie Bowers 231-1601
Parish Secretary
Rachel Hopfinger 648-2490
Andrea Short: 214-1275


Robbilyn Coy: 267-1398

Mike Karcher & Shelley Allen

Parish Office
7598 Piopolis Road, McLeansboro, IL 62859-4706

Phone: 618-648-2490

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